Girls with Autism – Are They Being Served?
Autism is a neurobiological disorder, primarily affecting brain development, which continues to mystify researchers as to its exact cause or causes. Genetic research in 2010, however, uncovered some new information that may eventually reveal some breakthroughs. In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new statistics showing that prevalence of autism has […]
Help Your Teen with Autism Navigate the Dating Scene
Autism researchers and therapists from UCLA’s Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior wrote an article regarding autistic teens and dating. Dating can be intimidating and challenging but despite this reality it has the potential for being a positive and worthwhile experience. What advice do parents need for discussing dating and intimacy with their autistic […]
What is California Autism Insurance Coverage – Areva Martin (Video)
Video Transcription: Areva Martin: I am very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very excited about SB 946. And I am so excited about it because, while it doesn’t answer all of the issues, and it doesn’t provide for everything that families need, it is a huge step forward in terms of helping families […]
What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Why Does it Work?
We treat children, teens and adults who are diagnosed with autism and other language, communication, behavioral and developmental disorders. We use the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to decrease inappropriate behaviors while increasing functional skills. We frequently have parents of young newly diagnosed children ask us to explain applied behavior analysis and why it is […]
Identifying the Signs & Symptoms of Autism in Children and Adults
Autism is a behavior and communication disorder that is comprised of autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). All three of these share the autism signs and symptoms of difficulty communicating both verbally and non-verbally, difficulty relating to others and the world in general and difficulty being flexible in thinking and action. […]
What Vista Believes About the Needs of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video)
Video Transcription: Keith Massel: Founder, President of Vista Center for Behavior Analysis. A few years ago I realized that there were not good quality treatments for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD). As a result, Vista has developed a comprehensive program that is based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services. I believe that adults with […]
Independent Living Skills Training for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video)
Video Transcription: Keith Massel PH.D., BCBA-D, Founder and President of Vista Center fior Behavior Analysis: As Vista began developing a program for adults, it became clear to me that most parents of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder are anxious and fearful. They realize that they won’t be around forever, and then what? Parents of […]
Autism and iPad Apps
Apple has revolutionized the way people can communicate and learn. Over 600 universities are listed on iTunes U, which is home to 250,000 free lectures, videos and podcasts. iPods are widely used as on-the-go learning devices by individual learners and students. But it’s the company’s touch screen tablet, the iPad and it’s available apps, that […]